Destress, relax, chill out with Gentle Yoga at 4:45pm. Kick it up a notch & burn off stress & toxins with Slow Burn Vinyasa at 6pm. Join us at 1512 S.R. 534, Harpersfield. Register here:
2021 is coming to a close. Time to reflect on where we’ve been and clear space so we can move forward.
Take some time to simply be. Make a list of all of the blessings you received in the past year, especially the ones “in disguise”, in your mind or on paper – you decide.
Give yourself permission to start 2022 with a clean slate. No baggage permitted aboard. No exceptions. You deserve it.
Thank you for being with us this past year. We look forward to seeing you on your mat again soon. Aum Shanti Aum
Try it and see for yourself. Click the button below to register for your studio or live stream class today!
Or try yoga on demand with our digital video library. Sign up with this link http://shanti-yoga-love.teachable.com/p/shanti-yoga-love-membership and get fresh new content every week!
Even better, when you grab a recurring monthly membership at ANY tier, you get the on-demand library at NO EXTRA CHARGE! So give it a try and see how great yoga can make YOU feel.
When you need some time for you, where do you go?
Learning to recognize what YOU need is an important part of wellness.
If self-care means being at home, do that. Need to go someplace to focus on you? That works too.
Try adding yoga & meditation to your self care practices. Join me live from home, grab a spot in studio, or schedule a private session. No matter how you need to do it, I’m here for you.
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Here’s the current schedule so you can plan your practice!